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Modern Vintage

MODERN VINTAGE by RKives released last May is an impeccable project from start to finish at only 11 songs RKives wastes no time in letting you know he's not playing around with his art, the music is straightforward, well-produced and well executed lyricism to be found from the intro to the very end of the album.

The album starts with a very bombastic cinematic feeling intro, detailing the album’s vision then keeps on rolling from there, its lots of heart and hunger to be found on this album; production on the album ranges from head knocking bass shakers (Ready, Flex, I.Y.I) to smooth/subtle joints (Day 2 Day, Go, The Same) and possible club hits (Body Language, Obsession) that’ll leave you wanting for more after you finish listening.

Lyrically RKives is sharp as a samurai sword all throughout the album and keeps your attention on each song, a truly solid emcee that I look forward to hearing more of.

In summation this project may be a year old however it might live up to it’s title of Modern Vintage.

Check these tracks out: Ready, I.Y.I., Day 2 Day, Flex, Obsession

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